Helping connect Canadians in need

Access to a phone can be a lifeline for youth aging out of foster care and low-income seniors, helping them stay connected to loved ones and vital support networks. Mobility for Good® supports these in-need community members with free or discounted phones and rate plans.

About Mobility for Good®

First launched in 2017 in BC as a youth focused program, Mobility for Good has now grown to support youth nationally. It was extended to seniors in 2020 and to Indigenous women at risk in 2021.

Mobility for Good offers:

  • Free refurbished smartphones and plans for youth leaving foster care and Indigenous women at risk or surviving violence

  • Subsidized plans and the option to buy a discounted device from Mobile Klinik for low-income seniors

  • Digital literacy and safety workshops and resources through TELUS Wise®️

Connecting Canadians in need on the network that gives back

Programs like Mobility for Good reflect our commitment to empowering Canadians with connectivity and driving positive social change through our world-leading technology. 

“Transitioning out of foster care is like every adult responsibility is thrown at you all at once. The Mobility for Good program provides me with a lot of support. It’s pretty wonderful.”


“This program connects you to family, to employers, and to business opportunities. It’s more than a phone."


Mobility for Good for Indigenous Women at Risk

Developed in partnership with the Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association*, BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, Prince George Native Friendship Centre, and Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia, and as part of our response to the 231 Calls for Justice, issued by Reclaiming Power and Place: the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, this program provides a critical lifeline to Indigenous women at risk or surviving violence.

We plan to expand the program’s reach and impact across Canada. If you are an Indigenous-led organization supporting at risk Indigenous women and wish to partner with us, contact us at [email protected].

* Regional partners for program execution include: Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary, Hinton Friendship Centre Society, Red Deer Native Friendship Centre Society, Miywasin Native Friendship Centre, Napi Friendship Association, and Grande Prairie Friendship Centre

Help us help Canadians in need

Do you know a youth aging out of care or a low-income senior who could benefit from Mobility for Good?

Connecting to brighter futures

Watch how our Mobility for Good program is making a positive difference in communities across Canada.

Trade-In, help out

You can help us connect more Canadians in need when you trade in your current phone by giving it directly to Mobility for Good and forgoing its trade-in credit value.

Donate your pre-loved device

Drop off your pre-loved phones or tablets at a TELUS store and we’ll upcycle them to help a Canadian in need or responsibly recycle them and keep them out of landfills.

A measurable impact

Each year, thousands of youth age out of foster care and hundreds of thousands of low-income seniors struggle to make ends meet across Canada. Here are some statistics that underscore their realities.



youth aging out of foster care are eligible for Mobility for Good



low income seniors in Canada are eligible for Mobility for Good



of participants say the program makes it easier to stay connected to friends, family and support workers.

“The Mobility for Good program was life changing for me. It helps me with networking, to get jobs, find housing, and keep in contact with loved ones.”



Apply for Mobility for Good

If you’re a youth aging out of foster care or a low-income senior in Canada, you may be eligible for Mobility for Good. Apply below:

Non-profit organization requests

If you’re a non-profit seeking program assistance, please submit your inquiry using our online form.