About TELUS Wise

Free-of-charge, TELUS Wise offers interactive and informative workshops and resources to help empower Canadians of all ages to have a positive experience online.

two barn owls

Helping build a safer world online

As a leading provider of smartphones and internet services, we are dedicated to ensuring the digital space is a safe space.

TELUS Wise workshops and resources cover topics including protecting your online security, privacy, and reputation, rising above cyberbullying, and using technology responsibly.

Our partners

We are proud to collaborate with so many incredible organizations that support the TELUS Wise program and share our ambitions.

Learn more about our partners

Keeping you safe in our digital world

TELUS Wise workshops

TELUS Wise face to face and online workshops engage participants in a discussion about how to stay safe in our digital world.

Book a free workshop

TELUS Wise resources

TELUS Wise workshops and resources are created in collaboration with multiple partners who also recognize the urgency to keep Canadians safe online.

See all resources

Ambassador program

Our Ambassadors - including TELUS employees, retirees, police officers and others - volunteer their time delivering digital literacy workshops in their communities.

Bring digital literacy to the classroom

Teachers and coaches – talk to your students about their digital footprint and help them understand the impact of their online actions.

TELUS Wise campaigns

The information provided on telus.com/wise is intended as general information only, not as advice. Readers should assess all information in light of their own circumstances and consider all relevant factors.