Friendly Future Makers Youth Awards

We’re celebrating youth who are caring for their communities and planet for their chance to win 1 of 6 awards packages, including:

  • $5000 to help fund their initiative or RESP

  • $1000 TELUS gift card

  • $1000 donation to the charity of their choice

Read complete Rules & Regulations before entering.

Let’s empower youth who are making the world a better place

We’re searching for inspiring Canadian youth who are transforming their communities and planet for good. Friendly Future Makers are young, dedicated leaders making a difference in one of TELUS’ areas of social impact.

Connection Enabler

Awarded to an individual who is helping foster human connections

Community Builder

Awarded to an individual who is giving back to those who need it most with their heart and/or hands

Health & Wellness Helper

Awarded to an individual who is caring for the mental and/or physical health of their community

Hunger Hero

Awarded to an individual who is helping to feed their community

Planet Protector

Awarded to an individual who is giving back to protect our planet

Friendly Future Maker

Awarded to an individual who is creating change in their community to make the future friendly, outside of the 5 categories or across multiple categories

TELUS Friendly Future Makers Nomination Form

We’re recognizing the leaders of tomorrow who are making an impact today.

  • Nominate yourself, or someone you know between the ages of 13-19 for a chance to win 1 of 6 Friendly Future Makers award packages valued at $7000

  • No purchase necessary

  • Submissions are open to (i) Canadian youth aged 13-19 or (ii) residents of Canada who nominate a Canadian youth aged 13-19

  • Limit one entry per entrant/per nominee

  • Submissions are accepted from 9:00 AM ET on August 8, 2022 through 9:00 AM ET on September 26, 2022

Read complete Rules & Regulations before entering.

Rules & Regulations

For full details, please see complete Rules & Regulations

Our impact in action

Every day, we are changing the lives of Canadians and improving our communities in many ways

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