The TELUS Privacy Code

Our Privacy Code is a lengthier document which details our privacy practices for the protection of the personal information of both TELUS customers and TELUS team members.

At TELUS, we have a long-standing policy of protecting the privacy of customers and team members in all of our business operations. The TELUS Privacy Code is a formal statement of the principles and guidelines that govern how TELUS protects personal information of its customers (subject to the exclusions noted here and below under scope) and team members. It is based on and incorporates the ten fair information principles that form the basis of all applicable privacy legislation in Canada, including Part 1 of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Statutes of Canada 2000).

The TELUS Privacy Code was originally published in 1998: we regularly review it to ensure that it reflects legislative and technological changes and that it continues to reflect our practices and commitments.

Last updated November 21, 2019

TELUS Privacy Commitment

Our Privacy Commitment provides specific details about our customer privacy practices.